- addExecutor
void addExecutor(string name, Settings settings)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- addReporter
void addReporter(string name, Settings settings)
Adds an embeded reporter listener to the LifeCycle listeners collection
- describeTests
const(TestCase)[][string] describeTests()
Returns an associative array of the detected tests,
where the key is the suite name and the value is the TestCase
- describeTests
const(TestCase)[][string] describeTests(const(TestCase)[] tests)
Returns an associative array of the detected tests,
where the key is the suite name and the value is the TestCase
- isSuccess
bool isSuccess(SuiteResult[] results)
Check if a suite result list is a success
- runTests
auto runTests(const(TestCase)[] tests, string testName, string suiteName)
Runs the tests and returns the results
- setupLifecycle
void setupLifecycle(Settings settings)
setup the LifeCycle collection
- setupSegmentationHandler
void setupSegmentationHandler()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- toJSONHierarchy
string toJSONHierarchy(const(T)[][string] items)
The main runner logic. You can find here some LifeCycle logic and test runner initalization