The frame should convert a frame to string
Frame(10, "some.module", "0xffffff", "name", "offset", "file.d", 120).toString.should.equal( `10 0xffffff name at some.module + offset (file.d:120)` );
The frame should not output an index < 0 or a line < 0
Frame(-1, "some.module", "0xffffff", "name", "offset", "file.d", -1).toString.should.equal( `0xffffff name at some.module + offset (file.d)` );
The frame should not output the file if it is missing from the stack
Frame(-1, "some.module", "0xffffff", "name", "offset", "", 10).toString.should.equal( `0xffffff name at some.module + offset` );
The frame should not output the module if it is missing from the stack
Frame(-1, "", "0xffffff", "name", "offset", "", 10).toString.should.equal( `0xffffff name + offset` );
The frame should not output the offset if it is missing from the stack
Frame(-1, "", "0xffffff", "name", "", "", 10).toString.should.equal( `0xffffff name` );
The frame should display ???? when the name is missing
Frame(-1, "", "0xffffff", "", "", "", 10).toString.should.equal( `0xffffff ????` );
Represents a stack frame