The reporter list that will be added by the runner at startup You can use here only the embeded reporters. If you want to use a custom reporter you can use static this constructor
The test discovery classes that you want to use
The number of threads tha you want to use 0 means the number of cores that your processor has
Where to generate artifacts
Show the duration with yellow if it takes more warningTestDuration msecs
Show the duration with red if it takes more dangerTestDuration msecs
A list of plugins that will be added as dependencies from The plugins will be imported in the main file.
The default executor is SingleRunner. If you want to use the ParallelExecutor set this option to parallel or if you want to use the ProcessExecutor set it to process.
The reporter list that will be added by the runner at startup You can use here only the embeded reporters. If you want to use a custom reporter you can use static this constructor
The test discovery classes that you want to use
The number of threads tha you want to use 0 means the number of cores that your processor has
Where to generate artifacts
Show the duration with yellow if it takes more warningTestDuration msecs
Show the duration with red if it takes more dangerTestDuration msecs
A list of plugins that will be added as dependencies from The plugins will be imported in the main file.
The default executor is SingleRunner. If you want to use the ParallelExecutor set this option to parallel or if you want to use the ProcessExecutor set it to process.
A structure representing the trial.json file