Init the struct and copy the atachment to the allure folder
convert the attachment to string
Allure attachments should be copied to a folder containing the suite name
string resource = buildPath(getcwd(), "some_image.png"); std.file.write(resource, ""); auto uuid = randomUUID.toString; auto expectedPath = buildPath(getcwd(), "allure", uuid, "name.0.some_image.png"); scope(exit) { rmdirRecurse("allure"); } auto a = AllureAttachmentXml("allure", Attachment("name", resource, ""), 0, uuid); expectedPath.exists.should.equal(true);
Allure attachments should avoid name collisions
string resource = buildPath(getcwd(), "some_image.png"); std.file.write(resource, ""); auto uuid = randomUUID.toString; buildPath(getcwd(), "allure", uuid).mkdirRecurse; auto expectedPath = buildPath(getcwd(), "allure", uuid, "name.1.some_image.png"); auto existingPath = buildPath(getcwd(), "allure", uuid, "name.0.some_image.png"); std.file.write(existingPath, ""); scope(exit) { rmdirRecurse("allure"); } auto a = AllureAttachmentXml("allure", Attachment("name", resource, ""), 0, uuid); expectedPath.exists.should.equal(true);
Allure representation of an atachment. It will copy the file to the allure folder with an unique name