The function that must be executed to check if the test passes or not. In case of failure, an exception is thrown.
A list of labels that will be added to the final report
The test location
The test name
The test case suite name. It can contain . which is treated as a separator for nested suites
TestCase string representation should be a JSON string
void MockTest() {} auto testCase = TestCase("some suite", "some name", &MockTest, [ Label("label1", "value1"), Label("label2", "value2") ]); testCase.location = SourceLocation("file.d", 42); testCase.toString.should.equal(`{ "suiteName": "some suite", "name": "some name", ` ~ `"labels": [ { "name": "label1", "value": "value1" }, { "name": "label2", "value": "value2" } ], ` ~ `"location": { "fileName": "file.d", "line": 42 } }`);
A test case that will be executed