should convert a .lst file to CoveredFile structure
auto result = ` |/++ | The main runner logic. You can find here some LifeCycle logic and test runner | initalization |+/ |module trial.runner; | | /// Send the begin run event to all listeners | void begin(ulong testCount) { 23| lifecycleListeners.each!(a => a.begin(testCount)); | } lifecycle/trial/runner.d is 74% covered `.toCoverageFile(buildPath(getcwd, "lifecycle/trial")); result.path.should.equal("lifecycle/trial/runner.d"); result.isInCurrentProject.should.equal(true); result.moduleName.should.equal("trial.runner"); result.coveragePercent.should.equal(74); result.lines.length.should.equal(10); result.lines[0].code.should.equal("/++"); result.lines[9].code.should.equal(" }");
should mark the trial_.d file as external file
auto result = `trial_package.d is 74% covered `.toCoverageFile(buildPath(getcwd, "lifecycle/trial")); result.isInCurrentProject.should.equal(false);
Converts a .lst file content to a CoveredFile structure